Carroll Report Maryland Muckraker

Muckraker: Howard BoE implements Black Lives Matter Week of Action In County schools

This article brought to you by Maryland Muckraker.

On Thursday, the Howard County Board of Education voted unanimously to make the week of February 6th, 2023, a “Black Lives Matter at School: Week of Action”, to coincide with what will already be “African-American history month”.

Introducing the resolution was Board member Jennifer Mallo, explaining how a “national movement of educators, parents, administrators, and scholars have come together to proclaim, Black Lives Matter”.

She said the week of action should cultivate a sense of “pride, self-worth, and self-love” for black students and staff, after broadly stating that schools should be “places for the practice of equity”.

She concluded, saying “Black Lives Matter at school, is further intended to encourage ongoing critical reflection, and courageous conversations concerning systemic racism, social injustices, racial and ethnic bias, and to affirm the right of black staff and students to be treated with respect”.

Seconding Mallo’s resolution was mask wearing Board member Jolene Mosley, before all 6 of the present Board members voted in favor of the motion, including Linfeng Chen, Yun Lu, Jacky McCoy, student member Abisola Ayoola, in addition to the aforementioned Mallo and Mosley.

Like Montgomery County, where there are 582% more students identifying as gender-fluid then there were just two years ago, Howard County Public Schools have gone full woke, a reality documented in part recently by the legendary Libs of TikTok Twitter account, who earlier in January shared a photo of a Howard County Schools classroom door replete with indoctrinating messaging.

In May of last year, the same counter-cultural Twitter reported that Howard Schools were promoting transgenderism to pre-K and elementary school aged children, by hosting an after school reading of a book titled “Calvin”, about a girl who decides to become a boy and receives the affirmation of her family while doing so.

Presumably receiving Howard’s Black Lives Matter Week of Action news warmly is Judith Jones, who had previously been Carroll County Public School’s Chief Equity and Inclusion Officer, but transitioned into Howard County last year, where the grass is not greener, but it is certainly more rainbow colored.

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