Carroll Report

Citizen Commentary: Carroll County taxpayers unknowingly funding sexually explicit material for children

(Photo: Miriamstockphotos/Dreamstime)

Dear Editor,

I recently learned that a large group of Carroll County parents and grandparents are funding an organized distribution of books describing explicit sexual activities, including pictures, to minor children all across Carroll County.

It has been a stealth operation, apparently, to purchase and disseminate over forty books that can be found in the Carroll County Public Libraries in the “Adult” or “Young Adult” sections, where minors are not allowed.  These books have been sent to every corner of Carroll County and are being introduced to our minor children even though they contain explicit and deviant sexual acts including sodomy and bestiality; obscenities graphically depicted in the books and presented or made available to our kids and grandkids.  The books have pictures illustrating sexual acts that would probably keep this letter from appearing in the paper if I were to describe them in print.

I don’t know how much money was spent to purchase these books, but these books with “adult content” are being distributed from ten locations in north, south, east and west Carroll County without even being noticed by most Carroll Countians.  I am appalled this group has been allowed to strategically put books into the hands of minors that would be illegal for the librarians in Carroll County Public Libraries to hand out to children under the age of eighteen.

Efforts should be made, wouldn’t you agree, to stop this activity.  It is against the law to distribute pornography to minor children, isn’t it?   The adults funding this enterprise should be halted and the dispersal and circulation of these books to minors discontinued.  Don’t you think?

You may ask how will Carroll County be able to bust this criminal activity? 

Well, maybe you haven’t heard the news.  The parents and grandparents which are paying for the books are Carroll County taxpayers.   The distribution centers are the Carroll County Public Schools and School Libraries. 

Every taxpayer should write the Commissioners and Board of Education to insist they stop spending your tax dollars on pornography and abusing Carroll’s minors with unlawful, unwanted books to sexualize and teach deviant, unnatural sexual activities to our children.  Let’s stick to Reading, Writing and Arithmetic and eliminate obscene books and pictures.

Let your voice be heard!  

Robin Frazier
Former Carroll County Commissioner

Commissioners: Phone: 410-386-2043, Carroll County Office Building, 225 North Center Street, Westminster, 21157, email; Board of Education:  Phone: 410-751-3000, 125 North Court Street, Westminster, 21157,  email

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