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Taneytown: Mayor Miller Announces Formation of Charter Review Committee

The following was shared on social media by Taneytown Mayor Chris Miller

📣 Announcement: Formation of Charter Review Committee in Taneytown 📣

I am excited to announce the formation of a Charter Review Committee. This committee will play a crucial role in updating our city’s Charter to better reflect the will of the people and the powers they wish to vest in their elected officials.

🎯 Objectives:

Make recommendations to update the Charter to be in alignment with the will of the people.

— Resolve power struggles between governmental bodies.

— Increase efficiency, transparency, and accountability.

📅 Timeline:

— The committee will work over the next 2 years to suggest recommendations to Council on Charter Amendments that align with the people’s view on how their government should operate.

— The committee will meet every 4 years for recurring audit reviews.

— The committee will meet as needed by Council & Mayor to help settle questions on Charter & make recommendations.

📋 Areas of Review:

— Election Issues

— Legislative Body

— Executive Body

— Structure of Government

— Financial Structures & Power

— Executive Privilege & Executive Orders

— Citizen Petition, Recall, Amendments

👥 Who Can Join?

— Must be a resident of Taneytown.

— Must be aged 18 or older.

— Cannot have been a previously or current elected official of Taneytown.

🗳 How to Apply:

— We will have a 1-month application window, unless more time is needed for establishment.

— Appointments will be made by the Mayor and confirmed by the Council. (Unless Council Refuses Confirmation of Any Members, in which case the Committee will become a Citizen Advisory Committee)

📝 Committee Composition:

— 6 people, including one chairperson and one community outreach member.

— One member will be assigned to take the minutes and act as the clerk.

🔒 Terms and Conditions:

— Four-year terms.

— Committee members serve at the pleasure of the Mayor and Council.

— Recommendations are made to Council and then are subject to vote by Council for implementation after recommendation or can be brought forth to public petition.

📣 Call for Volunteers 📣

We are now accepting applications for volunteers to join this important committee. If you are interested, please fill out the google form provided to indicate interest!

Thank you for your interest!

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